salam smua....hari ni..balik je dari opis...online...terus nampak award dari suhida http://fazdarazat.blogspot.com/ .tq sue...so nak b agi kat sahabat2 yang lain laks...layanzzzz
Bestnye dpt award. . Ngee~
So here's the rule :
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her awesome blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve nominated!Award ni untuk :
khas untuk sahabat2 mayaku..
- http://shamleen.blogspot.com/ -meet auntie mas
- http://diarihatiku1976.blogspot.com/ diari hatiku
- http://gieyana79.blogspot.com/ gieyana79
- http://shannyreena.blogspot.com/ reena m.com
- http://mama-eda.blogspot.com/ mama dora
- http://ceriterayanzur.blogspot.com/ zura penang
- http://wanahere.blogspot.com/ mama izz
- http://syanasaid.blogspot.com/ syana
- http://syazwansepan.blogspot.com/ lely
- http://aizahkaman.blogspot.com/ kak ai...(rsanya mesti dia dah dapat dah)